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pg. 10,003- 10,500
Harris notebook evidence, audio tape evidence, backpack returns Kechter and Huntington, Huntington letter, Olson videotape, Stalter, Pollock, Veik, Carlin S, Marcotte, Sanders crime scene, Swavely, Klebold BMW evidence, Sylvester, Lawson, Rowe, Tonelli, Wilson M, Fleener, Beard, Thomas A, Taborsky, Tomford, Staff at Columbine Library on 4/20, Valbert (CANNOT READ COPY), Walker, Splatter Punks arrest, Morris C, Akard, Wall, Walsh T, Personnel responding, Kraeczowski, Heritage, Maley, Faucet, Porter, Jones J, Woodin who helped search class rosters and view videos in the video production studio at Columbine, Simpson J, Zimmerman-Moore signed out evidence for viewing by Janet Reno, Reffel, Dierken, Tibljas, Andrist, After Prom Party newsletter, Paavilainen K, Vargas, Harris driver’s license, Diversion disposition, Gonazalez (Harris Marines recruiter), Luvox write-up from PDR, Harris Medical Records, Anderson 1998-1999 yearbook TCM dedication, yearbook insert page with Harris’s “style”, Harris and Klebold names in yearbook, Harris schools attended, Harris class rosters, Harris report cards, Macauley, bowling class roster, bowling score cards, students connected to Harris, Carlin K, Dao, Dillon, Esquibel, Harrell, Hartsough, Hetzel, Jackson M, Johnson N, Jonas, Kirgis, Lamb, Lau public statement, Lau, cash advances for Harris and Klebold, pay stubs for Klebold and Harris, Liston, MacKeage, McEwen, Mitchell M, Moody, Nevienski, Pytlinski, Saintmichael, Scheffler, Secore, Thornby, Uncapher, Dewitt S, Kruger, Worlock, Cave, suspected burglary at Harris residence, Wheeldon’s search for Eric at Harris residence, photo list of Harris residence, contact with Plattsburgh NY police, Harris telephone record search, Reffitt, Zapor, Harris Wayne, Konen, Lapp, Valdez (Kathy Harris hairdresser), Harris neighbors- Hopkins, Judd, Good, Wilde, Voehl, Fattore, Huff, Karmazin, Maddera, Cohn, Connor, Taylor B, Roberts, Kwasinski, Mossberger, Delon; Vehicle search- Nissan, Honda, Mazda; Harris Honda, Interviews with those on “Class of 98 That Should Have Died” hit list; interview with girl Harris briefly dated, interviews with people on “Shit List” found in Harris’ home, individuals on phone list from Harris’ wallet, Miller report on van break-in, Harris Miranda waiver, Walsh incident report on van break-in, Harris custody report over van break-in, Evidence inventory from van break-in, Harris statement on van break-in, Klebold statement on van break-in, Becker statement from van break-in, Lebeda interview of Klebold on van break-in, Klebold custody report, Klebold Miranda waiver, Harris Honda impound report, contents of Honda report and photo list, Wayne Harris request for impounded video, formal charges and case summary against Harris and Klebold for van break-in, property return to Becker, property return to Harris, offenses and probable disposition of charges against Harris and Klebold, Walsh interview regarding prior contact with Harris and Klebold, Brown’s complaint about Harris threats, Harris web pages, Brown complaint of email threat, Basement Tapes summary, paper and other evidence taken from Harris home, Nixon tape, You Know What I Hate web pages, Harris philosophies (web pages), Rebel Clan mission logs, Doom sketches, KMFDM song lyrics, smoke bomb instructions, Harris webpage on pipe bombs and napalm, Klebold license, Connor, Middleton, Proctor, TCM yearbook dedication, Harris fashion yearbook, Klebold class schedule and class rosters, Kelly J, Klebold crime essay, Harris and Klebold associates, Klebold resume